The best refunds for your faulty Apple, Samsung, Google and Huawei screens

Sell to us your defective smartphone and tablet screens, besides giving the best compensation for your screens, you will then also contribute to the reduction of the mountain of e-waste.

In fact, we refurbish the very best screens in-house and are therefore available again for you as a repair professional at Touchfixshop.


All prices are excluding 21% VAT

A: LCD screens must be original and working. No dead pixels, working touch, no backlight problems
OLED screens must be original and working. Working touch and no shadow in the screen

B: LCD screens must be original and working. 1 dead pixel, working touch, minor backlight problems
OLED screens must be original and working. Working touch and very light shadow in the screen

C: LCD screens must be original and working. 2 or more dead pixels, working touch, minor backlight problems, slight color deviations
OLED screens must be original and working. Working touch and visible shadow in the screen

D: LCD screens must be original and working. 2 or more dead pixels, touch problems, minor backlight problems, slight color deviations
OLED screens must be original and working. Problems with 3D touch and excessive shadow in the screen

!: Screens that do not meet the above critera are completely broken screens with broken flex cables, copy screens, OLED screens with black spots and lines.